Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day, the gift of your time, and "The Artist"

Happy Father's Day to the Papi's out there!!

We started out the day by going to church. It was an inspirational message about giving people the gift of your time. Pastor Joel talked about how our time is the most important thing we could give. Probably the line that resonated with me the most was when he said, 'If you had one hour left on earth, who would you call? What would you say? Now what are you waiting on?' Wow. So true! Especially in today's world where we are always on the go, go, go. We have to show the people we love how much we love them while we still have them.

I love going to church at Lakewood.  I always leave there with my heart full, my soul happy, and ready to face the new week that lies ahead.

Here's a couple of pics of the hubs with our beautiful bambina.  The first one is my favorite picture of them ever, and the second one is from today.  Happy Father's Day to you, Pops!!  You are an absolutely amazing father and I am so proud of everything that you are, and everything that you do.  We love you very much!

Lunch was at The Banana Leaf, a Malaysian restaurant. We had some curried beef, flat noodles, and chicken with okra, green beans, tomatoes and onions sauteed in a light curry sauce.  It was so good...def made it onto the "fav restaurants" list!  It takes a lot to make it onto that list for these food lovers!

The rest of the day we spent lounging at home, relaxing and watching movies.  Well, one movie to be exact.  The Artist.  I absolutely loved it and can totally see why it won all of the Academy Awards that it did!

Dinner was another burger.  For real?!?!  Second burger in one weekend?  I don't even like burgers like that!  While I normally eat pretty clean, I also do not deny myself any foods.  I eat healthy but try not to obsess or stress out about it.  I mean, I'm only human, right? Plus I work out  So if I want a darn burger, I'm going to have a burger!  With fries.  And a Coke.

...and now I'm off to the kitchen to look for something sweet. 

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